Mother’s Day, 2021

Delightful wake-up with David, as usual. But especially wonderful! Then, while I lay in luxury, he let out the dogs, heated the croissants and coffee and brought up a tray with coffee, oranges, croissants, butter and cherry jelly. When we opened to door, there was an orange-red poppy peeking out on the far side of the hot tub, waiting for us! I immediately thought of my mother, who declared that house plants or rose bushes always bloomed for special occasions, and who delighted in the miniature iris bouquet my brother and I always put on her Mother’s Day tray. All around, clouds floated over, and pink petals swirled through the air from the crab apple tree. Bird songs and busy bird activity in the winter honeysuckle and snowball bushes entertained us. Life is good in Wawawai Canyon!

Surprise Poppy

Two good dogs:

Ramona and Adelaide, May 9, 2021

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